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Altmetric Launch a New Website and Refreshed Logo to Enter a New Year!

19th January 2016
 | Katy Alexander

As we enter a new year, there are lots of welcome changes over at team Altmetric and today, they launch their new website alongside a brand new logo!

Some of the highlights of their new website include:

  • A dedicated case study section
  • An ‘about altmetrics’ section to introduce people to what altmetrics are and how they (and the Altmetric technology) work
  • Event (conference, workshop and webinar) listings
  • Updated product listings and tailored audience pages

Screen Shot 2016-01-19 at 14.00.24

Below you can also get a first peek at the refreshed Altmetric logo, however it’s worth pointing out the donut visualisations on the details pages aren’t changing.


In line with these changes, Altmetric have also decided to change the name of their institutional product. Altmetric for Institutions will now become Explorer for Institutions. Do keep an eye on the Altmetric Twitter (@Altmetric) account for their latest happenings!