Impact to insight: exploring research through multiple lenses with NextGen Metrics

Ideas of what constitute a journal’s – or a publication’s – impact have come a long way in the last few years. Far from there being “one number to answer all needs”, we’re in danger of being swamped by numbers as we consider whether we’re engaging with the right audience, whether our Open Access choices are working, or how our research is being received.
The mission of those of us who work in research communication is to support the transmission of medical findings to the right people, and to support them in their decision making. In this regard, our task hasn’t changed in 300 years, since Thomas Sprat (1702) warned against the anti-scientific “false oracles” and those who argued that scientific innovation “unsettled the minds of men”. Our brave new world – of cloud computing, artificial intelligence and big data – offers us more solutions than ever before to ensure the successful communication of research.
In this on demand webinar, Carlos Areia and Mike Taylor from Digital Science talk about what it is to communicate research, and how new approaches will support our mission across the next decade.