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Papers by ReadCube
Reference Management for the Modern Researcher
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Papers, by ReadCube, simplifies your research life by dramatically enhancing how you discover, annotate, collaborate and cite research. Eliminate wasted hours manually wrangling information and get back to research with the Papers reference manager.

“I have been using Papers, by ReadCube Papers for the last three years and I find it so useful. It has all the necessary tools to annotate the PDF files that are very useful to mark desired texts for reading and for reviewing purposes. I can check for supplementary files if any and I can also check for the article metrics which is indeed a very useful option that I never found in any other PDF reader/editor”

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Georgia

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“Over my career, each company I worked for had a different “solution” for the lab to work with research materials. I was either emailing requests to an admin to get full-text access, getting lost in cluttered cloud drives, or simply frustrated at the lack of usability of third-party services. While all technically got the job done, they were far from the ideal. The current company I work for adopted Papers about 18 months ago for both reference management & article purchasing, and it is glorious. You don’t realize how much time you waste doing things the old way until you start working with Papers and suddenly, what used to take 10 clicks, now takes 2. It’s one of the best research tools out there.”

Director of Chemical Biology, Cambridge, MA

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