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Advancing Research Collaboration

Collaboration has been at the heart of how Digital Science has grown. Research is by its very nature a collaborative effort. It requires us to share our ideas with others to gain a better understanding of the world around us. We share datasets, pictures, words, and sounds. Our tools for collaboration evolve with our research, to enable more seamless collaboration.

Use our solutions to help you visualize existing research networks; rapidly find individuals, and reveal potential conflicts of interest. Finding the appropriate external relationships increases your chances for funding and boosts your institution’s reputation.

Overleaf collaboration report

Building Institutional Collaboration Diagrams

Institutional collaboration diagrams can quickly facilitate discussions on an institution’s collaborative practices and are a common request of research analysts. Without access to an API to retrieve the required information, the process of building collaboration diagrams can often be tiresome and repetitive.

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Use our solutions to improve your collaboration strategy

Increased international collaboration produces higher-quality research

Increased international collaboration produces higher-quality research

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