GRID is a free and openly available global database of research-related organisations, cataloging research-related organisations and providing each with a unique and persistent identifier. With GRID you have over 98,000 carefully curated records at hand, enabling you to identify and distinguish research-related institutions worldwide. We release the IDs and metadata for all to use under the Creative Commons Public Domain 1.0 International licence.
No yearly fees, no complex licensing agreements, no hassle. Just reference GRID when releasing your own data. We would love to hear what you build with it!

Our approach makes GRID much more than just a unique identifier; we augment the data with types, hierarchical structures, locations, and much more. We think openly available IDs are vital to using data effectively, so we use WikiData IDs, Crossref Funder Registry IDs, ISNI IDs, ROR identifiers, link to country-specific IDs such as UKPRN, HESA and enrich them with GeoNames, NUTS3 regions, and more.
Make sense of your institutional data
Disambiguate your data

No more struggling to find duplicates in your data or trawling through the history of Paris University to check if XI is Sud or Est. We meticulously clean the data for you.
Ensure robust reporting

Align your data with GRID and open the door to a range of data integration and reporting possibilities. Link to other datasets like ISNI and Fundref seamlessly.
Capture data accurately

Solve your data capture woes by working with unambiguous institutional information from the start. Our persistent IDs will ensure your data is always perfectly consistent.
Built by the community, for the community
Crossref, the California Digital Library, DataCite, and Digital Science launched the Research Organization Registry (ROR): an initiative, aiming to move persistent organisational identifiers towards community-led involvement and policy definition. We are especially proud that GRID forms the core of ROR and that we have closed the loop and made ROR identifiers available in GRID as well.
Have you built something with GRID? We would love to hear about it! Please let us know