Resources for Publishers

Track publications around the SDGs
Erasmus University Rotterdam uses Dimensions to support their new strategic initiative to make a positive societal impact through research, as measured by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Validate Open Access agreements
In this case study, we share what role transformative and Open Access publishing agreements have in the evolution to Open Access, and how PLOS relies on Dimensions data to uniquely inform their related strategies. If are you interested in learning how Dimensions can benefit your organization? Please contact us and we’ll be in touch soon.
“We love how non-data specialists can answer a multitude of questions, saving valuable PLOS resources like time and subject matter expertise.

Understand, evaluate and predict future strategies and trends
This case study describes how SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, uses Dimensions on a day-to-day basis to support SPIE in their strategic thinking and planning for the future. Are you interested in learning how Dimensions can benefit your organization? Contact us and we’ll be in touch soon.
Using Dimensions, our teams can better understand where SPIE falls into the greater ecosystem of scientific publishing.
Patrick Franzen, Director, Publications and Platform

Identifying reviewers, growing markets & Open Access trends
Emerald Publishing subscribed to Digital Science’s Dimensions Analytics and API in the summer of 2018. A year and a half later, a few key Emerald colleagues took the time to share with us how Dimensions data have become critical in their day-to-day work.

Showcasing the impact of publications
Cambridge University Press uses Altmetric to showcase the attention around Elements to current authors, prospective authors, library subscribers and potential indexing partners. With the data they are able to demonstrate the engagement and influence of such a new product helps to establish it within the scholarly space.
Using Dimensions, our teams can better understand where SPIE falls into the greater ecosystem of scientific publishing.
Patrick Franzen, Director, Publications and Platform

Offer enhanced reporting to authors
IntechOpen is using Altmetric to offer enhanced reporting to authors, which they, in turn, can use for grant applications, career progression, and internal reviews. In this case-study take a look at how they also use Altmetric is used to inform marketing campaigns and identify cutting edge topics.

Demonstrating value for funding
Michigan Publishing saw that incorporating Altmetric data across their platforms provided valuable feedback for their authors, as well as data that could be used to report on the reach and influence of their publishing activity internally.

Improve discovery
The journal and e-book content of the Royal Society of Chemistry has been indexed in ReadCube Discover. More than 350,000 articles were assembled for indexing, covering backfile content stretching back to 1841. This case study outlines the impact of ReadCube on the research workflow and how it enabled researchers to discover new science – and annotate it. In doing this, the ReadCube.
“My colleagues and I like the way that ReadCube presents the whole article and the supplementary data together (…) The supplementary data is not hidden through a link but exposed and made easily accessible.”
Will Russell, Business Relationship Manager, Royal Society of Chemistry

Finding COVID-19 grant application reviewers using Dimensions data
This case study describes why and how the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) from University of Florida used Dimensions to find reviewers for COVID-19 grant applications.

The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network uses Figshare to store and share its videos
Figshare is able to guarantee a permanent electronic location for CTSNet’s exceptional content. The CTSNet editorial team wanted to “journalize” CTSNet’s video publications to make them more discoverable and citable within a scholarly environment.

A Closer Look at Taylor & Francis’s Data Policy
Taylor & Francis have released a set of five data sharing policies across their publications. Find out how authors submitting to a journal with a data policy are supported.

Cambridge University Press trials Writefull to expedite COVID-19 research
COVID-19 research is timely, and needs be published with as little delay as possible. To this end, Cambridge University Press (CUP) and Writefull have set up a collaboration. Authors submitting COVID-19-related manuscripts to several relevant journals are invited to use Writefull.
With Dimensions, I don’t waste my time clicking through and switching between databases to find the answers to my questions.
Aidan Morrison, Publisher, Emerald Publishing