UoA Classification for the REF
UoA Classification for the REF

UoA Classification for the Research Excellence Framework
We developed a REF Unit of Assessment classification system to enable institutions to assess the quality of their research. The system has been implemented using automated allocation of UoA codes (based on REF 2021) to documents on the Dimensions platform based on category definitions defined by machine learning. Using the system institutions are able to compare their institutionally held data in Dimensions with a world view on their staff outputs in a REF context to retrieve a fuller picture of its output portfolio, including OA status and accompanying bibliometrics.
The system has the capability to give an institutional view on publications and grants and a Unit of Assessment view in a REF timeframe. The system enables institutions to compare their output with other institutions, providing the ability to see UOA classified research output on an ongoing basis rather than seeing it as a snapshot every REF period, thereby providing further and deeper institution-wide insights.