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The Ascent of Open Access
While most trends are encouraging the research community is now demanding more enforcement of mandates.
Gender Representation in UK Research Institutions
This report looks at gender representation across all fields of research in UK institutions.
Gender Imbalance in Cancer Research Grants
Analysis from industry experts looks at the open monograph landscape in 2019.
The Fourth Age of Research in Australasia
This report looks at international collaboration patterns focussing on the Australasian region.
Unraveling the Engagement and Impact of Academic Research
Our report finds new evidence that highlights differences in the primary audiences engaging with malaria and Alzheimer’s disease research.
A Collaborative Approach to Enhancing Research Discovery
This report takes a closer look at some of the research insights that can be gathered using the new Dimensions platform.
Topic Modelling of Research in the Arts and Humanities
This report offers an overview of some novel methods of analysing research funding data.
The Landscape of Climate Research Funding
In this report, we profile the balance of ‘climate research’ investment and note its impact on a diverse research portfolio that runs from ecology and atmospherics to economics and public health.
How Covid-19 is Changing Research Culture
We investigate the research landscape trends and cultural changes in response to COVID-19.
Japanese Collaboration in the Global Research Landscape
The indicators show a positive future for Japan if the leadership of top researchers can cascade down to the broader research population.